Friday, September 21, 2007

With those self composed songs... we too had stories to tell

STRANGERS Bangla Rock Band (1999-2004):
In early 70s Calcutta became the birthplace of Bangla Band, taking a step away from normal romanticism. Mohiner Ghoraguli, pioneer in this inspiration took up guitar to speak for the people of their heart. Thus, was paved the path for future youngsters to take up music as their voice of expression and the job proceeds from today to tomorrow and hope till eternity.

We, Strangers, a group of young minds with heart full of dreams to change the hunger to happiness, emotions to rainbow, with guitar as our weapon, were the little soldiers in this revolution.

Band Line-up:
Dabbu (Vocals, Guitar), Niladri (Vocals, Bass), Bibek (Vocals, Keyboards), Sunando (Lead Guitar), Indro (Percussions), Sujoy (Drums), Kausik (Sound Management)

Hindustan Times 2000
Times of India 'Band Wagon' 2001
Album review Hindustan Times 2003

Album review The Statesman 2003
Times of India Addachakra at Kolkata Book Fair 2004
Times of India Addazone at Kolkata Book Fair 2004 with band Abhilasha

2003: Our maiden album Aalor Khonje from Sagarika (Cassette and Audio CD)
2004: Promotional compilation Kolkata on Song from Calcutta Times (Audio CD)
2007: MP3 compilation Band of Bandz along with other bands (MP3 CD)

Aalor Khonje Cassettes and CDs are no longer available.
Purchase the digital version of our songs from
Download Aalor Khonje numbers on iTunes

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